There is something uniquely charming about 17th-century organs. They speak with power and authority, yet the sound is welcoming and warm. This is the goal we seek with our Papillion model. It is inspired by our Opus 14, originally designed for Trinity Lutheran in Papillion, NE. In spite of having only one manual, organists can perform a surprising array of two-manual compositions, thanks to the divided compass of most stops. The pedal stop is independent, and a coupler is provided as well. While it is ideal for realizing early music, it can readily lead worship and liturgy. Having only one manual simplifies the playing action and helps keep the price within reach. The case can be customized in many ways for a truly unique element in your worship space or teaching studio.
Nine ranks
Prestant 8
Gedeckt 8
Principal 4
Principal 2
Sesquialtera II (from c¹)
Mixture III-IV
Bourdon 16
Manual / Pedal Coupler