(coming soon)
The all-new Worship 10 was designed to lead worship with an emphasis on choral accompaniment. To accomplish this, we included many 8-foot stops, one of which is a true English oboe. The modest, yet complete Principal chorus leads congregational singing as well. All manual ranks except the Diapason are enclosed in a swell box. In the pedal, we include an independent stopped flute at 16 and 8-foot pitches. The Salicional and Octave are shared between manuals as “either-or” stops.
Ten ranks
Manual I
Diapason 8
Open Flute 8
Salicional 8
Octave 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Octave 2
Manual II
Gedeckt 8
Salicional 8
Octave 4
Chimney Flute 4
Oboe 8
Bourdon 16
Flute 8