(coming soon)
The goal of the Studio 7 is to bridge the gap between practice organ and worship instrument. Each stop is gently voiced for hours of enjoyable practice. The diversity of tonal resources permits accurate registration of a wide variety of literature. When used to lead worship, the modest yet complete principal chorus will readily lead the congregation in song and the flutes can accompany cantors or small groups of singers. This organ will be ideal for an intimate chapel or as a secondary instrument in a large sanctuary. The hybrid Violone/Principal stop is unique to this organ. The low octave is a Violone, voiced for clear, prompt speech, especially in the pedal. It transitions through the tenor octave until becoming a Principal with warm, round tone. The Principal 2 is shared between manuals as an “either-or” stop. Customers who desire more solo voices can order this organ with the mutation as the either-or stop instead.
Seven ranks
Principal 8
Chimney Flute 8
Octave 4
Quint 2 2/3
Principal 2
Gedeckt 8
Spindle Flute 4
Principal 2
Bourdon 16
(ext. Gedeckt)
Violone 8